The UCI are taking Paul Kimmage to court for writing that cycling’s international governing body covered up a doping positive for Lance Armstrong (story on Velonation here). The same accusation is leveled by Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle in The Secret Race, and will likely be further corroborated when USADA present their case against Armstrong to the public. As David Walsh and Charles Pelkey in his piece for RKP have pointed out, the UCI are vindictively suing only Kimmage and not the publications in which those accusations appeared (that includes The Sunday Times and We’ve set up a ChipIn for Kimmage’s defense fund below.

Paul Kimmage (center) confronts Lance Armstrong at the Tour of California. (Photo: Doug Pensinger/Getty Images)
PLEASE ADVISE the tool needed to insert the ” Chipin ” on my blogs ! This i think is the same tool that was used to assist Charles Pelkey last yeat ?
THink what you are doing for Paul , is important and so wish to help , as i am sure other Blog owners , would wish to join !
SkippyMcCarthy See the Info/Copy/About tabs just above the Chipin button?The Copy tab has the code you want for your blog.
This link will show you more options (color/size) and for different blog types:
[…] Worth giving the Paul Kimmage defence fund a plug…-defense-fund/ […]
There are too many people trying to make pro road racing something it never was–all pure and innocent and for-the-love-of taking-part etc. etc.
This includes both officials and journalists and gives them a vested interest on the backs of the real race people — riders, promoters, support teams and fans. When it doesn’t conform to this bololonious simon-pure image they kick up, step in, scandalise and regulate; officialdom gets more powers and the journos sell more papers.
Last week the Tour of Britain whizzed through our small town in Devon UK. An hour’s wait, then about three minutes of athletes on bikes. What a thrill–the locals loved it all — not just the riders, but the police motorbike escort, the snappers, the team cars, the sunshine, the kids’s questions, the rubbing shoulders with neighbours you never knew you had — the lot. Worth twenty hours of TV.
I suggest those who like to fish in troubled waters — whichever camp they’re in — go jump in the river. And that the rest of us stop reading all the piffle and go for a nice ride instead.
Francis Mather I think I understand where you’re coming from. Three wise monkeys.
Paul has nothing to worry about. He never wrote anything that he can’t prove to be true. All he has to do is present his evidence to the public through the media and the UCI will have to drop the case. And what does he need a defense fund for? The magazines that ran his articles will bail him out.
[…] NYVelocity and Cyclismas Velonation: UCI court action sees Kimmage summoned to appear before Swiss court in December […]
The UCI are going after Paul now that he has been released from the Sunday Times…they believe they can possibly financially undermine him at this point, and therefore force his voice to be hushed. I am therefore so happy to learn of this defence fund, I’ve contributed and am going to spread the word as widely as possible to get everyone I know to do the same. Paul is a true journalist – he holds these liars and cheats to account. He loves the sport of cycling and wants it to be clean. He is innocent of all charges. HE should be president of the UCI if the sport is to be cleaned up. Good luck to the fund and good luck to Paul.
If we’re going for adages, it’s more like “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
[…] Paul Kimmage Defence Fund on Cyclismas and nyvelocity Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this. Categories: […]
[…] Kimmage is energized by this support (give here!). […]
[…] will be fighting his upcoming case with the UCI (should they continue with it), thanks to the Defense Fund, now standing at over […]
The UCI thanks you for the contribution folks!
[…] The subject of Paul Kimmage was brought up by Sky Sports’ Orla Chennaoui, with McQuaid confirms the action will go ahead. He stated that the case nothing to do with the USADA or Lance, but was instead about defamation against him and his predecessor. You can donate to the Kimmage Defense Fund over at […]
[…] Posted to Greg Lemond’s Facebook page last night. Please donate to the Paul Kimmage Defense Fund. […]
Cant see the ChipIn plugin…..
philmcn Are you trying to view from an iOS device? The Chip-In uses Flash. You need to use the Photon browser on your iPad or iPhone, otherwise it won’t show up. Or try to view the page from a computer instead.
cycletard philmcn No, I’m using a mac book Air, with the latest Chrome browser.
philmcn cycletard How bizarre. I’m using Chrome on a MacBook Pro and it shows up just fine. Don’t know what to tell you.